Friday, January 20, 2012

Megaupload shut down, hacker group Anonymous declare war

After a highly coordinated action of the FBI with the help of the authorities of  New Zealand, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia and the Philippines, eight key members of Megaupload, were arrested, including its director, Kim Schmitz, also known as Kim Dotcom and the web site will be permanently shut down. The department of justice says it was one of the largest criminal copyright cases ever brought by the United States.

The accused will face extreme consequences, they are facing 20 years in prison for racketeering, five years for conspiring  to commit copyright infringment, 20 years for laundering, and five years on each substantive charge of copyright infringement.

The web site  is responsible for $500 million in losses to copyright holders and more than $175 million in illegal profits from advertisements and premium memberships. Megaupload had more than 150 million registered users and 50 million daily visitors.

As a result of Megaupload shutdown,  Anonymous, a group of hackers that has already attack various governmental institution and big companies, declare an open war, they have already attacked the department of justice and the record company "Universal", and it will probably won´t end here.

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