Monday, January 9, 2012

3D, good or bad?

In the last few years, the 3D technology took a huge step. From movie theater screen to your little Nintendo 3DS, it is now possible to have every kind of screen having 3D. Now the big question is, is 3D good or bad for health, specially, the eyes? 

Well if we start by the side effects, its definitely not good, headaches, blur vision, nausea dizziness and so on, but on the good side, certain scientist says that people can realize faster that they have eyes problems, and may help them too take care of it.

In my opinion, I will definitely wait a few more years before having any kind of 3D screen, just looking a few seconds on a 3DS give me a headaches and my eyes start to hurt. I think that we lack information on the effects it can cause because it is so recent.

I am sure that in a few years, there will be betters studies about it and the technology will improve, so for  the moments, a think we cannot answer this question 100% right.

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